KROKUS: European Tour Setlist Revealed

November 8, 2006

Veteran Swiss hard rockers KROKUS have revealed the setlist for their current European tour in support of the band's "Hellraiser" album. It is as follows:

01. Hellraiser
02. Too Wired To Sleep
03. Hangman
04. Angel Of My Dreams
05. Long Stick Goes Boom!
06. Bad Boys Rag Dolls
07. Screaming In The Night
08. Fight On
09. Spirit Of The Night
10. Midnight Fantasy
11. Easy Rocker
12. Rock City
13. Rock ’n’ Roll Tonite
14. Celebration
15. Headhunter
16. Bedside Radio
17. Eat The Rich
18. Rocks Off!

KROKUS kicked off its European tour on October 14 in Oulu, Finland. Check out pictures from the Oulu concert at

KROKUS's latest album, "Hellraiser", entered the Swiss album chart at position No. 2. The CD, which was recorded with producer Dennis Ward (PINK CREAM 69),has already been certified "gold" in the band's home country.

As previously reported, the new KROKUS single, "Angel of My Dreams", has been made available for download at this location.

KROKUS recently announced the addition of German drummer Stefan Schwarzmann (ex-ACCEPT, U.D.O., HELLOWEEN) to the group's ranks. The band's current lineup is completed by Tony Castell (bass),Mandy Meyer (guitar) and Dominique Fave (guitar).

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